GES opens 2021 promotion portal for qualified applicants
Monday, September 6, 2021
The Ghanan Education Service has opened the 2021/2022 promotion application portal for qualified staff to apply for their deserving ranks. This is to cater for teachers who are qualified for promotion.
According to GES the portal was opened in *August 2021* for persons who failed the February aptitude test to reapply to enable them to redeem themselves.
However, a new window will be opened in *November 2021* for persons who will be due for promotion this year to apply as well. That means the August portal was meant for only GES staff who could not pass the *February 2021 exams* *DETAILS REQUIRED IN REGISTERING ON THE GES PROMOTION PORTAL*
_Tittle, surname, first name, previous name, date of birth, nationality, mode acquired, religious denomination, marital status, number of children, telephone number, email, present station, district of present station, region of present station.
_ Date of appointment into GES, present grade, Notion date appointed to present grade, substantive date to present grade, registration number, staff id, SSNIT number, if you have master's degree,
_School colleges including middle/primary school attended with dates.
_ Academic qualifications
_Professional qualifications
_ Promotions/Grades
_Work/Career history
_ particulars of in-service training courses.
_ Hobbies
_ Any further information you wish to give.
*Follow this link to register https://gespromotions.gov.gh/apply_promotions*