Volta/Oti Entrepreneurs Awards VOEA 21
Tuesday, August 3, 2021
The second edition of Volta and Oti Entrepreneurs Awards is here.
The Organizers Edy's Promotions calls for nominations into the second edition of this prestige award.
Volta and Oti Entrepreneurs Awards (VOEA) is an award scheme which seeks to celebrate and encourage business men and women, company owners and managers in the entrepreneurs industry who are making volta and Oti proud.
The Volta/Oti Entrepreneur grants has seen 1 fruitful edition and arrangements are in progress for the second edition.
Nominations will be publicly released soon.
The prestigious award is open to all voltarains in and outside volta. You are granted the chance to nominate, if only you are a voltarain but your business is not in the region.
Kindly follow their page on Facebook: Volta Oti Entrepreneur Awards VOEA
E-mail: Voltaotientrepreneurawards@gmail.com
For sponsorship call: 0245822328