King Ibrahim Njoya Ruler of Bamum in Cameroon.

King Ibrahim Njoya Ruler of Bamum in Cameroon.

King Ibrahim Njoya was born in 1860 in Present day Bamum of Western Cameroon, his mother was Madam Njapduke and his father was King Nsangu Ibrahim.
 King Ibrahim was the 17th Mfon of Bamum, he was described as a very Intelligent man dressed in blue robes and wearing a turban with the end tied under his chin and over his mouth. It is believed King Ibrahim Njoya married 600 wives and had 149 Others claimed he had 177 in all, King Ibrahim is credited for developing the Bamun Script, a Syllabic System for writing in the native language prior to his reign in the 19th Century the alphabet was known as Akauku which contained 73 signs. King Ibrahim Njoka was also known as Ibrajim Mbouombuo Njoka, Others claimed his father died in a war against the Nso people and was killed, It is said he reigned between 1886 or 1887, He ruled from the ancient walled City of Fumban, he was a historian and scholar as well who understood Arabic and his native language and he was a devoted Muslim who praticed Islam he also developed a system to write pictographs, Ideograms and signs. In 1903 he developed Akauku writing system which Include 70 letters and was used in government, Bamun Script have over 8, 000 original documents of a script in the palace archives in Cameroon. He came under the repressiver rule of the French, It is believed he was disposed soon by the French in 1931 after his death, French banned the use of his script in Schools, his grandson Ibrahim Mbombo Njoya established his own school using the scripts and encouraging his people to learn it and in schools for Children to learn them. Before the death of King Ibrahim Njoya he Invented a lot of things including Printer, Calendar, Cartograph, Writing Script, he was considered to be one of Africa's greatest ruler who politically and diplomatically defied attempts by the Europeans to subjugate his nation as a strategic Intellectual, he also played a big role In the modernization of Bamun during the 20th Century.
 King Ibrahim Njoya was linked to the economic development that occured under Shaka Zulu prior to the Invasion of mlugus, It is believed he was inspired by Marcus Garvey and Malcom X but it is claimed that he met and contact Malcom x and Marcus Garvey and other Pan African movement in the Douala Area this was a way he believed it would transformed Africans, their minds and one's reality and develop nations even in the face of neo- colonialism, some claimed he first came into contact with Germans and French Colonialist then he managed to keep everything friendly with the Germans but when the French took over German territories after WorldWar l, they were not friendly as a ruler he opposed to the French rule and he was exiled to Present day Ivory Coast and passed away or died in 1993.
 According to other account his father fought and resisted from the German Invaders because his father refused to bow down to the Germans he was killed by the Germans and King Ibrahim Njoya ruled the 17th long dynasty in Bamum and he was succeded by his own biological son known as Seidou Ibrahim Njimoluh Njoya.
By: Kwabena Wiredu Katakyie
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