Facts about Pepesa People of Ghana .
Wednesday, August 25, 2021
Jwira Pepesa People are part of the Akan subgroups they can be found in some parts of the Western Region of Ghana, they are located along the Akobra river and Wassa land between the Agona Junction and Tarkwa their maintown is Dompim.
They are part of the Niger Congo family among the Jwira Pepesa in the Southern part of the Western Region their language has some Nzema, Wassa, Ahanta and little bit of Ayin which is mixed, they are also related to the Ahanta People of Ghana, Fanti People of Ghana and Ahufo People of Ghana, Jwira Pepesa migration and settlement in Gold Coast Present day Ghana they migrated from Nubia Present day Sudan then settled in Abyssania Present day Ethiopia later settled in Present day Adanse in Ashanti Region of Ghana before they settled in Present day Techiman in the Brong Ahafo Region of Ghana.
Others claimed they their migration started in Techiman, Brong Ahafo Region of Ghana others believed they originally migrated from their Current location from Sahara desert and Sahel region of Africa into the forested region around the 11th Century they migrated from North and went through Present day Egypt and settled in Nubia Present day Sudan around 500 AD later moved with other Akans and established smaller Kingdoms which grew around 750 AD the Empire of Ghana was later formed the smaller Kingdoms was from 750 AD- 1200 AD and Others claimed because of Islam influence they left Present day Western Sudan crossed Present day Ivory Coast then throughout Present day Togo and settled in Techiman in Brong Ahafo around the 14th Century before settling in their Present day homeland. Their Ancestor was called Kwanza Ekuban the Jwira Pepesa People of Banso and Tumentu share the same common ancestor it is believed the word Jwira derived from Gwira, the Adum Banso in the Western Region is the place of the Gwira the word baŋ means the fence, boundary, wall and fortified place of the Jwira Pepesa.
Jwira Pepesa language is spoken among the People who lived in some parts of Western Region in Jwira north of Axim from Bamiankaw to Humjibere along the Ankobra river in 18 Villages as well in the Western Region of Ghana , they grow crops such as Cassava, Yam, Groundnuts known as Peanut, Plantains and other crops and they are considered to be of not well known Akan People of Ghana followed by the Ankobra river primarily rises north east of the South of Gulf of Guinea.
During funerals they perform their traditional dance and music along with performing in a group known as Band singing and playing high life music some of the Jwira divisons celebrate annual Yam festival and other festivals along with Akpa festival celebrated by the Jwira Pepesa from Dompim the Omanhene of Nsin traditional area in Dompin come together to celebrate and have meeting about discussion with their people about development while others who are willing to help Dompin development can help also the Wassa People of the Wasaa West districts come together to celebrate Akpa and People from Wassa West on invitation contribute as well, Others claimed they are subgroups of the Bia Speaking groups which include Ayin, Baoulê , Chokosi, Anufo, Sefwi, Nzema, Wassa and Jwira Pepesa. Some claimed they used to celebrate a Yam festival which used to be celebrated during the 5th day of the 5th lunar month and they are considered to be a pair of the Central Tano dialects, Drumming in their Culture is a way they express themselves this including making annoucement, communication, welcoming visitors and performing music carving also play a significant role they carved wooden masks and sculptures.