Dagomba Red Hunter Tohazie of Northern Ghana.

Dagomba Red Hunter Tohazie of Northern Ghana.

Tohazie was a Dagomba Red hunter while hunting, he came across a village and he was welcomed by an old woman. 

 This Old woman provided him Everything to satisfy him stuffs such as meat, water and food but he needed only water then the woman explained to him that their only source of water had been taken over by a wild bull, which it is very dangerous and killed People from fetching water from the river then he became stronger and bold and he went ahead to fight the wild bull and killed the bull with spears, arows, the wild bull died the people of the Village in Present day Northern part of Ghana were happy and thankful to God for giving them such a person the Chief of the Village told Tohazie how grateful he was so he gave him a beautiful Princess called Princess Pagawuba to him so they can get married to each other.  

In The modern day Dagomba are considered as descendant of Tohazie who occupied the Northern parts of Ghana, Tohazie had a son with Princess Pagawuba called Kpogambo after his death of his father he also followed his father’s footsteps and learned alot from his father and became just like him a great hunter, he married and gave birth to Gbewaa.    

According to Abdul Aziz , he believed Tohazie was the founder of one of the existing kingdoms in Dagbon, he exploits landed from Present day Baghdad in Iraq to the west Africa and Others claimed the Dagomba moved Sahel region in Present day Chad throughout Present day Mali, Ivory Coast, Burkina faso before settling in Gold Coast Present day Ghana . 

Tohazie was believed to be the ancestor under his leadership who led the migration Southwestern from Present day Bawku in Upper east Region of Ghana northeastern border to Present day Dagbon his grandson was Naa Gbewaa who is considered to be the common ancestor of the Nanumba and Mamprusi then Naa Sitobu the son of Naa Gbewaa is the father of Dagomba which it is believed he begot the royal lineage of Chiefs in Dagbon.
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