Ada East: District Hospital to expand Emergency Ward facility.
Thursday, August 19, 2021
Management of the Ada District Hospital has cut sod for the construction of wards to accommodate Covid-19 suspected cases.
According to the senior medical officer for the District Hospital at Faithkope in the Ada East District, He said the existing wards are not spacious enough to contain more cases.
Dr. Philip Narh, in an interview with Radio Ada, said the poky nature of the emergency ward has been a threat to the staff and clients of the facility in this era of Covid 19.
To resolve this problem, the management of the hospital have initiated an expansion project at the emergency unit for suspected Covid 19 persons.
According to Dr. Narh, he states that the management will rely on the general public to supports and donations in completing the project.
Also, the community based radio station, Radio Ada is also offering a free air time in support of the project.
Speaking to the Management of Radio Ada, they indicates that, being a development oriented community radio station in the District, they are committed by offering free air time for the hospital's management in terms of live broadcast of the sod cutting ceremony, mobilizing activities and also the commissioning of the new ward.
Story by Noah Dameh-Ada