18 Immigration Officers Promoted.
Friday, August 20, 2021
18 senior and junior Officers of the Immigration Service have been promoted to their respective next ranks by Management of the Service, and were decorated by the Comptroller- General of Immigration at a ceremony held at the National Headquarters yesterday.
This was done in acknowledgement of their bravery, integrity and commitment to duty.
Six from the Honuta Border Post were awarded for intercepting 1,550 slaps of suspected marijuana which were being smuggled through Togo to Nigeria.
Eight from the Wli Border Post in a similar operation intercepted 680 slaps of substance suspected to be marijuana being smuggled to Togo.
Anoother four showed great commitment to duty and patriotism by remaining at and securing their duty posts during a heavy downpour without any protective clothing.
The Officers have been promoted to Chief Superintendent, Deputy Superintendents, Senior Inspector, Inspectors Assistant Inspector and Assistant Immigration Control Officers - Grade II respectively.
Source: Dzigbordi fm.