Gbadago Justice declares Intentions to Contest for Akatsico SRC Position.
Tuesday, July 20, 2021
The race for the election of executives for our noble institution is here, and it's always said that"a leader with Vision and listening ear wins the heart of the his followers" and I ( Gbadago Justice) writes to declare my intent.
```Dear Colleagues, I hope this message finds you in good health and sound mind. I intend to run the highest office of the SRC that is the office of the SRC President, of 2021/ 2022 academic year upon meeting all the criteria speculated in the SRC Constitution.
I believe I have the experience and passion necessary to hold this noblest office of the SRC.
In the few months being in AKATSICO, I have dedicated to student service and leadership and other endeavors which have changed the narrative for a lot of people and especially me . The need for an all inclusive governance and participatory leadership where AKATSICO SRC will be active participants in leadership and decision-making in championing the interest of her members cannot be overemphasized. I assure you that with Gbadago Justice as your SRC President, you have executives respond to your needs and prioritize your welfare amongst the rest.
I humbly request for your unflinching support and votes as I am Ready, Willing, Committed and Able to Serve with Diligence in Truth with no intimidation or negative influence from any source. Our elders, once said,
"He who climbs a good tree deserves a good push". Vote Gbadago Justice as the next SRC President of Akatsi College of Education.```