Tuesday, June 15, 2021
United Krobo Foundation demanding an urgent address of Electricity Company of Ghana about over charging or over billing of electricity tariff which were petitioned on 25 October, 2020.
This skirmish generated as a result of ECG not able to read meters for more than a year, estimated bills, wrong bills and ECG workers were not customer friendly. All efforts made to resolve these peculiar problems were not avail but rather complicated the issue at hand and resulted the dead of one person and the injured of several innocent people.
ECG boss set committee " Kofi Afeau Committee" to investigate the allegation the Krobos made against the ECG. The committee invited all stakeholders, went deep down into the matter and established the fact that 99% of what the Krobos said against ECG is a fact. The good people of Krobo land deserve the best and the life and property not communities must be respected. United Krobo Foundation clearly confirmed that Police Officers who committed barbaric act has been transferred out of this communities and Krobos demand answers.
United Krobo Foundation wish to say that the blatant failure of then Minister of Energy, Mr. Peter Amewu to investigate grievances has compelled to demand that, the accumulated bills be declared null and void.
"We appeal to authorities to remove Engineer Ochere from office with immediate effect for peace to prevail in Krobo land"
The issue of ECG/PDS with the Police and customers of ECG /PDS which resulted the killing of a gentleman and several innocent injured by gun must be investigated. The Krobos State from now onwards has made it clear that they are no longer customers of ECG.
Any attempt or so ever made by ECG to do their mass disconnection will not be adhere to.