Who is Gloria Afetor?
Monday, May 31, 2021
Gloria Afetor is a 27 years old lady from Have in the Afadzato south District of the Volta region but leaves at Hohoe. She is a journalist and an entrepreneur, a public speaker, a social worker and a tourism enthusiast. She is the CEO of G.A. college of beauticians, a skills training institute and African Royalty Crowns.
Gloria has used her writing skills to promote domestic tourism and tourist sites in the volta region on social media like no other. She has over the last six years drawn attention to Logba Tota community as a major tourism destination in the volta region. With the help of the chiefs and opinion leaders of that beautiful hill top community she instituted an annual tour of the village which is endowed with about 5 attractions on 2nd January. Logba Tota has a limestone cave with a stalactite and stalagmite pillar, the only geographical feature of its kind in Ghana, it has a captivating water falls (Akpom Falls) etc.
Gloria took her campaign to Liati Soba and effectively promoted the only snake zoo in the Volta region and the breath-taking Tizor waterfalls. Other lesser known tourist sites that benefited from her exploits are inter alia the Ayafie waterfalls at Gbadzeme and the crocodile pond at Ave Dakpa.
She has promoted the Wli waterfalls, Tafi Atome monkey sanctuary, Tagbo falls at liati Wote, Abohire falls at Bowiri Abohire now in the Oti region.
As part of her efforts to make her voice on tourism heard, she came together with some friends to start an online TV, Discover TV which produce two amateurish documentaries “Wli The Sleeping Tourism Giant” and “Logba Tota, Nature Lovers Paradise” the project is on hold due to logistical constrains.
Gloria was a finalist in Miss tourism Ghana 2016 and became the Face of Tourism Volta 2017. She is an avid traveller and a passionate lover of nature, she has been able to in her small way throw the searchlight on the huge tourism potential in the Volta region.
Gloria is the brand ambassador for Faytex sanitary Pad in the Volta region.
She has also volunteered with Feminine Star Africa on their Outward bound seminars where they motivate senior and junior high students especially girls to believe in themselves and go for gold.
There are several groups and associations who have already started a movement and have created hashtags to begin soliciting for support for Gloria even before the auditions are over, they express optimism that she will by all means represent the region and eventually win the crown which has eluded the region for so long.
The chiefs and people of Have her hometown have started mobilizing to give her all the support they can. Old students of Vakpo senior high school her alma mater are solidly behind her, the one Volta group etc.