V/R: Anloga District Assembly To Conduct Covid-19 Mass Testing.
Staff and Assembly members of Anloga District Assembly in the Volta Region will in coming days undergo compulsory Covid-19 mass testing. This according to the DCE of the area Hon. Seth Yormewu, forms part of efforts by the authorities to get as many people tested as possible and encourage residents to voluntarily walk to the various health centers within the district to get tested for the disease.
Speaking to Jubilee Radio’s Saviour Selasi Amenyedzi on Aguadze (Morning Show) on Friday (May 29, 2020), the DCE explained, the step has become necessary to create awareness among residents to take issues of Covid-19 more serious than ever especially when the district has recorded its first two confirmed cases.
He noted that the confirmed cases should serve as a wakeup call to those doubting the existence of the pandemic to take the WHO laid down protocols (Regular hand washing with soap under running water, Usage of alcohol based sanitizers, practicing of social distancing, wearing of nose/face masks etc.) seriously and adhere to them.
Mr. Yormewu further pointed out that, in line with the Volta Regional Security Council’s efforts to curb the spread of the disease in the region, the Anloga District Assembly will from June 1, 2020 not allow residents to enter markets and other places without nose masks, also, security officials will strictly enforce the wearing of nose masks directive in vehicles and other places.
Source: Saviour Selasi Amenyedzi