DEADLY COVID-19 CRISIS , My share and thoughts, spoken words by Francis Focus

DEADLY COVID-19 CRISIS , My share and thoughts, spoken words by Francis Focus

A threatening weather has triggered a heinous rain without a season.
No resting place found on this planet( earth) anymore.
Humanity is thrown into a state of restlessness and melancholy by what is globally described as pandemic.(COVID-19).
Lord! what crime have we committed,I asked?
Hmm! hmm! hmm! hmm!!

Societies are in tears, mother Ghana is in tears,the world is in tears.
Society experience a new era engulfed with all manner of tragedy.
A tragic moment turned upside down by some black sheep to acquire luxury rather than bringing hands on deck to combat the disaster at hand.

Indeed society encouter a new era.
Where there is a vast abnormality in life's brains. 
A code of common sense has been drenched into unknown wilderness.
Pricing of commodities like hand sanitizers,nose masks and hand gloves which are considered to be the basic weapons for the deadly-devilish virus has drastically deviated from the laws of demand and supply.

Humanity become nothing but a hound dog under the captivity of COVID-19 crying all the time,
Whether rich or poor.
We screamed yet our voice is not heard
No cure, no vaccine, helpless souls lament bitterly.

Where do our help come from,
It is rather unfortunate for a one-legged cripple crawling for survival yet bereaved.
Lord! Is our saviour.

In the light of this, we now understand, only precautionary measures can be a remedy and saviour to our plight;
Washing of hands has now become a moral routine practiced every twinkle of an eye.
Observing a prescribed social distancing protocol has become the order of the new era.
Hand sanitizers become the new recruited guards for the hand every now and then.
Masks and gloves become the new branded GTP cloth worn daily.

After all, where is our Ghana-Beyond- Aid whilst we still beg for aid?
Ghana-Beyond-Aid philosophy is loosing appetite!
The needed ingredients are not sufficient.
Ghana-Beyond-Aid is falling apart the centre pivot cannot hold it 
The very day you and I allow politics to gamble with our critics.
Long live Ghana.
Long live us all.
Francis Focus Spoken Words© 2020
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