Teacher's refreshed with Satchet water at Workshop.
Thursday, February 27, 2020
The teacher's Vui-Dzelukope circuit in the Keta Municipality of the Volta Region were yesterday refreshed with Satchet water at a Workshop. The workshop which was organised by the Education Directorate of the above mentioned district seeks to get the views of the teachers of the circuit on the newly introduced curriculum even though they are in the system facilitating already.
The teacher's came from both Private and Government in the circuit, at the meeting they've discussed the success, weakness of the curriculum and also suggests some possible solutions to the challenges stated.
Presentations were made on class basis and question were put before their circuit supervisor.
A question that touches the heart of the teachers was " why the GES doesn't accept blames but rather pushes it to the teachers" , this question was asked by one Mr Bentil Blagogee and the circuit supervisor wasn't able to answer the question well but rather beats about the bush .