V/R: Pupils Of Keta A.M.E Zion School Cry Over Deplorable Foot Bridge
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Distressed pupils and teachers of Keta A.M.E Zion Basic school in the Keta Municipality of the Volta region are lamenting over deplorable state of foot bridge .
The foot bridge that leads to the school has become a death trap for both teachers and pupils.
The death trap foot bridge saves many purposes for teachers, pupils/students and some individuals in the community, including some KG1 to primary 3 pupils who crosses the bridge daily to the other side, either to toilet or for other things and primary 4 to JHS 1-3 use it daily in and out from school.
The school which is located in the heart of the Keta township has no foot bridge for teachers and pupils to cross before going to school.
The teachers and pupils have to cross over a stream before going to school on daily .
“We have to use cement block as foot bridge which serves as a path for us to cross before going to school because it nearer to us here ” some of the pupils stated.
According to them ,the school has been neglected in many ways, including lack of teachers, desks to mention but few.
A visit to the school by Devillage Reporter Gh team has revealed that the teachers and pupils of A.M.E Zion basic school to a large extent depends on deplorable wooden structures and cement blocks which serves as a foot bridge.