Pokuase Mayera: Drivers, residents demonstrate over bad road
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Angry drivers in Pokuase Mayera in the Ga North Municipality of the Greater Accra region on Tuesday blocked portions of a road in the area to protest the deplorable nature of their roads.
According to the drivers, the stretch has been in a bad state for over a decade.
The protestors blocked the road at four different spots.
Previous complaints to authorities have not resulted in any substantive action.
“They worked on a bit of the road for us. They put the first coat of tar and it wasn’t even up to one inch. When it rained, the whole road was destroyed again,” one resident told Citi News.
“Right now people’s cars have become faulty due to the road. The road is not good at all,” another resident complained.
They also highlighted the danger of the road during medical emergencies.
“If someone is seriously sick and you are rushing the person to Amasaman for health care, if you don’t take care, the person will die.”
One of the residents also felt the need to take the day off work saying the protests were critical.
“It’s very sad but we have to do it for us. It is for our own good. If we don’t do it for ourselves now, the road will not be fixed,” he told Citi News.
According to the drivers, the stretch has been in a bad state for over a decade.
The protestors blocked the road at four different spots.
Previous complaints to authorities have not resulted in any substantive action.
“They worked on a bit of the road for us. They put the first coat of tar and it wasn’t even up to one inch. When it rained, the whole road was destroyed again,” one resident told Citi News.
“Right now people’s cars have become faulty due to the road. The road is not good at all,” another resident complained.
They also highlighted the danger of the road during medical emergencies.
“If someone is seriously sick and you are rushing the person to Amasaman for health care, if you don’t take care, the person will die.”
One of the residents also felt the need to take the day off work saying the protests were critical.
“It’s very sad but we have to do it for us. It is for our own good. If we don’t do it for ourselves now, the road will not be fixed,” he told Citi News.