Construction of a 20 seater Bio-Digester Toilet- Mr Kudiabor source for fund.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Atiavi is a rural community with a population of about 35,000. The community is served by 5 pit latrines constructed 30years ago and in highly deplorable states, posing danger to users and the community as a whole.
Majority of the community folks resort to open defecation in patches of bushes within the community, banks of the Keta Lagoon and the community cemetery.
In order to curb the indiscipline act of open defecation a facebook friend and a native of Atiavi in person of Abraham Kudiabor is the inciative to source for fund to construct an ultra modern toilet facility for the community.
For donations towards the project, contact Abraham Kudiabor on 0247307872.
Thanks so much for donations.
We appreciate your kindness.